The visions which happened at Kibeho Rwanda are astounding in its implications, for this is a prophecy fulfilled in our time, and what our Lady warned of was soon to take place in that tragic land.
Our Lady began appearing to seven children in the year 1981 in Kibeho, Rwanda, they are Alphonse, Anathalie, Marie Claire, Agnes, Stephanie and Vestine. One of the astounding facts with one of the visionaries was Emanuel who was born with the name, ' Sagastasha' who was a poor boy with no Christian teaching at all, and spent most of his time as a farm labourer as he had no education. Yet 'Sagastasha' life would be changed when our Lord appeared to him and personally taught him the Lords prayer and also fundamental Teachings of the Catholic Church, of which he would have had no knowledge! This vision of Jesus deeply impacted on the young Sagastasha who then changed his name to Emmanuel, for like St. Paul, Sagastasha could no longer return to his former life and instead he was converted to Christianity.
Remember that Our Lords and our Lady's messages to these young children were before the terrible suffering that would be inflicted on the Rwandan people as the world looked on in almost total indifference as the Hutu tribe committed genocide against the Tutsi tribe. Let us examine some of these messages to the seers of Kibeho, Rwanda.
Alphonsine who happened to be at school on November 28 1981 was surprised to see a beautiful lady standing before him of incomparable beauty and when he queried who she was the Lady's reply was, "I am Mother of the Word. I have heard your prayers. I would like you and your companions to have more faith. Some do not believe enough." Our Lady also warned Alphonsine that our Lord wanted her to be recognised by all that she was indeed the Mother of God and that many need to prepare the world for the return of her son, Jesus. The beautiful Lady then said, "If I am now turning to the parish of Kibeho it does not mean I am concerned only for Kibeho or for the diocese of Butare or for Rwanda, or for the whole of Africa. I am concerned with and turning to the whole world."
In a message to Emmanuel Our Lady said to him, "There isn't much time left in preparing for the Last Judgment. We must change our lives, renounce sin. Pray and prepare for our own death and the end of the world. We must prepare while there is still time. Those who do well will go to Heaven. If they do evil, they will condemn themselves with no hope of appeal. Do not lose time in doing good and praying. There is not much time and Jesus will come." Emmanuel also saw Jesus who warned him with these words to the world, "too many people treat their neighbors dishonestly. The world is full of hatred. You will know my Second Coming is at hand when you see the outbreak religious wars. Then, know that I am on the way."
In a messages to Marie Claire, " We must meditate on the passion of Jesus and on the deep sorrow of his Mother. We must recite the Rosary and the beads of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady to obtain the grace of repentance." And again Marie Claire heard this, "The world has turned against God. We must repent and ask for pardon." Our Lady also warned that too many people were embracing worldly ways and beliefs and urged the children as a message to the world to once again return to the one true Faith through the Narrow door. Mary continued to tell Marie Claire as a message to the world, "Do repent! Do repent! Do repent..."When I tell you this, I do not speak to you alone, but I speak also to all the others. Men of our times have emptied each thing of its true meaning: he who commits a fault does not recognize that he did wrong." Again Our Lady reiterated to Marie Clare this message, "What I ask of you is repentance. If you recite this chaplet, while meditating on it, you will then have the strength to repent. Today, many people do not know any more how to ask forgiveness. They nail again the Son of God on the Cross. So I wanted to come and recall it to you, especially here in Rwanda, for here I have still found humble people, who are not attached to wealth nor money".
Our Lady warned Agnes with these words regarding loose morals, and that people needed to "make of their bodies an instrument destined to the glory of God and not an object of pleasure at the service of men." Mary warned the children that the wicked snares of the devil were bewitching people away from the Narrow road and that many people were walking on the wide path of perdition. Our Lady warned Vestine that many were taking the wide road because it was the easier option and that the world was not just indifferent to God but had indeed turned against God. This troubled Vestine greatly as our Lady also gave some hope when she told Vestine that through 'prayer from the heart" and meditation on the sufferings of our Lord and Lady, people will be led back to God. Vestine was then shown hell, purgatory and Heaven in a vision, from this Vestine was shown figures that seemed to be in a place of fire, where the pain was terrible not because of the flames but the knowledge of the total absence of God, the figures were terrifying. Vestine also saw a group of people who were singing yet they were also suffering from a temporary separation between themselves and God. Last of all Vestine was shown a place of radiant light and beauty, where people were in perfect happiness.
To Anathalie, Mary cautioned her and the world to, "Wake up, stand up, wash yourselves and look up attentively. We must dedicate ourselves to prayer, we must develop in us the virtues of charity, availability, and humility." Anathalie also said that our Lady comes to her children out of love, to bring warnings of catastrophes so that the world will once again embrace God and live faithfully to the Gospel message of her Son. Mary told Anathalie that the true road, the narrow road "is the one of suffering....Return to God, the Source of Living Water." Our Lady continued in the same vein when she said to Anathalie as an appeal to the world, "I speak to you, but you do not hear Me. I want to lift you, but you remain down. I call you, but you turn a deaf ear. When will you do what I ask of you? You remain indifferent to all My appeals. When will you understand? When will you take interest in what I want to say to you? I give you signs, but you remain incredulous. How long will you turn a dead ear to My appeals?"
More stunningly our Lady also gave this message of warning to Alphonse in 1989, "I speak to you who hold power, and! who represent the nation: save the people, instead of being their torturers. Don't rob the people; share with others. Be careful not to persecute, to muzzle those who want to denounce your errors. I say it to you, I repeat it, whatever you do, even though you try everything to harm somebody because he loves his fellow men, defends human rights, fights for the respect of the life of others, and for the truth and all that is good, and even because he fights so that God may be loved and respected, whatever you do, you can do nothing against him." The Virgin Mary also said to Alphonsine: "I love you very much. If I came, it is because you needed it."
The messages that Stephanie received were of the same vein as our Lady warned her and the world in these words, "We must be converted, we must pray and mortify ourselves. Satan tries to ruin us. God wants our prayers from the heart." Our Lady continued by instructing Stephanie that "they should turn to me in their hearts and I will listen to them....God loves you all, really. It is the devil who wants to ruin you. You must refuse all means that he is using to tempt you." Stephanie then instructed the crowds in her own words that our Lady wished for us to humble ourselves and to be available for God to acknowledge within ourselves we are nothing so to turn to prayer most especially to pray with our heart.
Our Lady then showed the children of Kibeho what would happen in their country if people refused to believe and live her messages. All of the children screamed in horror as they saw in a vision, trees in flames, a river of blood flowing with corpses which had been decapitated and floating limbs of people, as Mary warned the children and the world that we were on 'the edge of catastrophe'. As the children described this horrific scene in these words, "A river of blood, people were killing each other, abandoned corpses with no one to bury them. A tree all in flames, bodies without their heads. There was crying and screaming. At different times, all seven of the Kibeho visionaries experienced this horrifying vision. They saw a river of blood that formed because people were killing each other indiscriminately. "Corpses, some without heads, were strewn everywhere and were so numerous they could not be buried" This especially saddened Agnes who saw the death of her own parents. Our lady then warned the seers to leave Rwanda, unfortunately some didn't.
What is known is that two of these seer's lost their lives in the killing fields that became Rwanda, where approximately over 800,000 people were brutally murdered as the U.N and the world watched, some with indifference, others with horror!
Marie Claire who was killed in the town of Byumba in 1994.
Emmanuel died while trying to escape.
The whereabouts of Stephanie is unknown.
While Anathalie, Agnes, and Alphonsine all survived the genocide that struck Rwanda in 1994.
I would encourage all to read more about Our Lady of Kibeho.
Our Lady of Kibeho |
How I wish these messages of apparitions of Mary and Jesus in Kibeho and elswhere are taken seriously by Catholics and other Christians. There are many today in the world that do not believe in the existence of God and in Heaven or Hell even in the Churches. If Mary is making these numerous apparitions it is because the world has plunge into such evil that only very few think about God or seem to take Him seriously. Look at the world today: There is no love of neighbor; Everybody wants to get rich at the expense of his/her neighbor; Few give second thought about right and wrong. The world economic crisis for example is exacerbated by the fact that people have become so greedy that they want to acquire wealth at the expense of others. It does not matter to a CEO who ends a million dollars month that there are so many around him that earn nothing and cannot even afford to meet their basic needs. Wealth and materialism has become the god of this age.
ReplyDeleteHow I wish this to be shouted at the mountain tops: Time is short, pray, love your neighbor, listen to Mary's cries!
I saw Immaculee Ilibagiza during a presentation early this year and listening to her share her experience of survival by divine intervention of our Blessed Mother Mary through incessantly praying her rosary, my commitment to saying the rosary was renewed and I wished more Catholics will be opened to just how powerful an instrument of faith the rosary can be in our daily lives.
ReplyDeleteThe trouble is that these visions often say things like there isn't much time left. Garabandal said the same, the events would happen "soon". It seems to me that 30-50 years is actually rather a lot of time left. At that is how long has passed since Garabandal (1961) and this vision (1981).
ReplyDeleteLet's assume in the mid-1980s I had taken this vision very seriously and thought I am not going to go into banking technology and focus on my job and my career and money. How could I afford a family of five children now? Houses cost money, living costs money. If I had a job as a humble librarian I'd struggle to support a wife and any children.
If you send a message to humans with the word "soon" or the phrase "there isn't much time left" then those humans are going to think in single digits of years. That is what "not much time" or "soon" means to a creature with an 70-80 year life span. 30 years is half of your useful adult life in the Western world and probably most of your adult life in Sub Saharan Africa. As a human these timescales are not "soon".
Noah was warned 100 years before the flood, but people lived to 800-900 years old in those days.
Focus on the apparitions that have been given 100% approval from the church, other ones may or may not be true but should not distract from the ones we are sure off. The one thing that's clear is we need to repent and try to live our lives in a more spiritual way. Get to the sacraments more and pray including the rosary. No vision has told anyone to give up on the world just live in it in a different way with truer attachment to whats really important. Whether the world ends at your death or after is irrelevant to your soul. Just do what you can to be a positive spiritual influence. The fact you are being tempted to put a timer on God means you are being tempted by the world, is it not a good thing if because of what we do we can forestall some of the events so more can be saved. I say this in love and hope you feel it that way.
ReplyDeleteThe apparitions of Kibeho have been approved. Information relating to them being approved may be found at the following links:
Note that the approval relates to the first three apparitions only, and does not include approval nor disapproval of the claimed apparitions of Jesus.
We strive to post about those apparitions which have been approved by either the local ordinary (Bishop) and/or the Holy See.
Greg, sure live in the world, have your job and family... great. But focus on living according to God's law, not on how you can screw the next bloe to make more money. Honesty, love of neighbour, and most importantly love of God, attending Holy Mass and receiving the Sacraments.. This is how you ensure you do not run out of time. Our life on this mortal coil could end tomorrow. Life is very short. I believe this is what the Blessed Virgin is saying, life is short and very soon we die to face God's judgement, Wake up man.!
ReplyDeleteDont you know that Gabarandal was disapproved by the Catholic Church? In fact some of our theologins say it is the work of the devil. Be as wise as the serpent and do not be deceived greg!
ReplyDeleteBoying is 100% correct. The alleged apparitions at Garabandal has never received approval as the alleged apparitions are not established supernatural.
ReplyDeleteWell, not exactly 100% correct :)
ReplyDeleteThere is quite a difference between 'not yet received approval' and been 'disapproved,' which in fact has not happened with Garabandal.
This is the precise Latin text of the pronouncement:
Non-constat de
— It is not certain that the events are of supernatural origin,
i.e., the supernatural origin has not been established. Here the events in
question are still open to eventual recognition as being authentic.
The fact remains, that Garabandal has been deemed "not of supernatural origin", and the faithful were instructed that when the Holy Mass celebrated at the local parish in the area where the alleged apparitions occurred, that no mention was to be made of the Garanbandal apparitions. Further, the ordinary gave the reasons as outlined by the Holy See:1) constat de supernaturalitate (it is established supernatural)
ReplyDelete2) constat de non supernaturalitate (it is established not supernatural)
3) non constat de supernaturalitate (it is not established supernatural)
Amazing,I have just completed reading Left to tell.Mother Mary seems to appear in circumstances where a warning is needed -World war one in Portugal to the 3 Shepard children,former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.This should be in pursuance of the mission she got at the foot of the cross - to be mother of the world,who because of her love for God's children warns them of catastrophes and urges them to follow Christ