In the thirteenth century, Spain was conquered by a Muslim group of fundamentalists known as the Almohads. This allowed the Berbers to extend their power base from North Africa to the portals of Spain, which would bring untold misery to many.
But things would take a turn for the worse, for the Islamic invaders when many Christian nations united to defeat this formidable foe. It was the decisive battle at Las Navas de Tolosa, which led to the defeat of Islamic rule in Europe.
But though the Spanish nation suffered much under the harsh rule of the Berber's still they prayed to God to save them from their enemies.
And it was in 1218, that our Lady appeared before Peter Nolasco, and his confessor Raymund of Pennafort and requested that a Religious Order be instituted for the release of Christians being held captive by the Berber invaders.
Our Lady requested that this Order would venerate her mercy towards all those who were in captivity. This would touch both Peter and Raymund deeply and they both undertook the duty of spreading this devotion to all the peoples.
These two holy men were also very willing to take the place of those who had been kidnapped in order for the release of the poor prisoners, who had been taken hostage by the Moor's.
It would be Pope Gregory IX who would approve this Order which would become known as Our Lady of Mercy, and it was then that Peter Nolasco, took his Vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Raymund also spoke with great love and devotion to all who would listen to him of our Lady's appearance to him, and of our Lady offering two bags of coins to pay the ransom for the imprisoned people. He spoke so eloquently and with such conviction that it moved the crowds to tears and also touched the hearts of Kings.
But it was Fr. Peter Nolasco who would be chosen as the Commander General of this Divine Mission to save those who were imprisoned by the cruel Moors, and who were suffering under terrible conditions.
And as the Muslim invaders were pushed further and further back, this meant more young men joining this Order from which they would be known as 'Mercedarians'. And it was these brave Priests who would engage the Moor's to pay ransoms for the freedom of their brothers held in captivity.
Unfortunately the founder of this Order Fr. Peter died in 1256, but his Mission lived on through the Grace of God and the guidance of our Lady.
The Mercedarians would reach countries such as, France, Germany, America, Mexico and many other nations.
Our Lady of Ransom teaches us all to be merciful to those kept in captivity and exhorts all to help and aid those who are wrongfully imprisoned.
I would encourage all to read more about Our Lady of Ransom, also known as Our Lady of Mercy.
Peace of Christ to you ALL
Copyright © 2006 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.