The origins of the Carmelite Order vary, some say that a group of men who emulated the life of the prophets Elias and Eliseus, formed a small community to live lives of austere penances and prayer. Others say the Carmelite Order began its formation when some disillusioned crusaders banded together and made their home in the mountainous ranges known as Carmel in Palestine, during the 12th century.
This group also had a particular devotion to the Virgin Mary and considered her their true Mother they were soon referred to as 'the hermits of Mary of Mount Carmel' under the guidance of Berthold. But it wasn’t until St Albert; Patriarch of Jerusalem formulated a Rule that the Order was legitimised in Rome by Pope Innocent IV after some amendments were made.
But it is Simon Stock who was the recipient of the brown Scapular that we will examine. Simon Stock from a very early age showed an aptitude and love of prayer much beyond his years, he also displayed a singular love and devotion for our Lady.
Simon was born in the year 1164 to a very devout family who lived in the Kent area of England and though his parents loved their rather serious son, it wasn’t shared by all his siblings. As Simon became the object of bullying by one of his elder brothers, this led Simon to live in the forests in the hollow of a large oak tree, where he would pray, practice many forms of penance and lived on wild berries, apples and other nuts and fruit that was in season.
It was while he lived in the forest that Simon received a vision telling him that an Order of men from Palestine would visit England and that Simon should embrace these religious men of great Faith. These holy men from Palestine upon their arrival in England in the year 1212 were settled in the Kent and Northumberland regions with the help of Lord Vescy and Lord Gray. Simon was immediately impressed with their deep love and devotion to Mary the Mother of God and their way of praying with deep contemplation. He joined this Order in the same year and went on to further his studies in theology at Oxford in which he excelled, while many noted his obvious sanctity which pervaded his whole interior and shone in his exterior.
So it was that in 1215 Simon Stock was appointed Vicar General of the Order, where he had control over the western provinces. But it was in 1226 that Simon set sail for Rome to obtain confirmation and validation of the Rule first set down by St. Albert, which he did obtain from Pope Honorius III, which was ratified by Pope Gregory IX in 1229.
But it was in 1251 that Simon who was undergoing difficulties to keep the Order to its original format knelt in prayer and it was here that our Lady appeared to the troubled Simon. Our Lady appeared to be wearing a brown garment and upon her arms lay a brown piece of material, which would be known as the Brown Scapular. Upon Simon receiving this Scapular, our Lady assured him that anyone who wore this Scapular would not suffer the pains of hell so long as the soul adhered it's promise and led lives worthy of the Brown Scapular. As our Lady said to Simon, "Receive, My beloved son, this habit of thy order: this shall be to thee and to all Carmelites a privilege, that whosoever dies clothed in this shall never suffer eternal fire .... It shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger, and a pledge of peace."
Simon was deeply moved to receive such a blessing from our Lady and was overcome with awe and gratitude that this blessing from our Lady was a sign of God's Grace for the Order of Carmel which he loved dearly.
Simon Stock died in the year 1265 but the promise our Lady made to him and all those who wear the Brown Scapular still hold to this very day.
Many miracles and conversions have been attributed to the Brown Scapular including a soldier who had led a very dissolute life. During a battle the soldier was grievously wounded by he prayed that the Virgin Mary would not let him die till he had confessed his sins to a Priest. The soldier died upon receiving Absolution of his sins, the doctor who later probed the wound found that the brown Scapular had become embedded in the soldier’s heart.
Our Lady also appeared to Pope John XXII and said to him in this particular vision, to those who would wear the Brown Scapular, "I, the Mother of Grace, shall descend on the Saturday after their death and whomsoever I shall find in Purgatory, I shall free, so that I may lead them to the holy mountain of life everlasting."
It is also to be remembered that both Bernadette of Lourdes and the children of Fatima witnessed to seeing our Lady dressed as our Lady of Mt. Carmel, in the apparitions of Lourdes and Fatima.
But we need to understand that the Brown Scapular is not a 'lucky charm' and only those who promise to live the spirit of Carmel may wear this particular Scapular. For upon receiving the Scapular one must promise to live its spirituality and observe a life of prayer, simplicity and humility.
In accordance to Church Tradition there are three conditions imposed upon those who wear the Brown Scapular, in order to share in the spiritual benefits and the promises made by our Lady. Those who wear the Brown Scapular must live lives of chastity according to your state in life, pray the Rosary with deep contemplation and the enrollment in the Brown Scapular which then makes one a member of the family of Carmel.
If any are interested in becoming enrolled in the Brown Scapular it would be best to approach your Parish Priest or the Order of Carmel which is nearest your region.
Peace of Christ to ALL
Copyright © 2005 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.