St James the Greater, who was a brother to St. John, both of whom were Apostles of Christ. And upon the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, St. James set out on his evangelisation to spread the Good news, to various parts of the world.
James the Greater was one of the Apostles who were closer to our Lord as was John and Peter all of whom were with Jesus at the Transfiguration. James is called the Greater to distinguish him from the other James who came after the Apostle James.
Upon the death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus, James began his Mission in Israel where he spoke to all about the Good news and the Promise of our Lord for the Salvation of all men.
This would lead St. James to Spain, but upon talking to many peoples in that country James became despondent when no one seemed to take particular notice of his attempts to evangelise that nation. For James had a great and zealous love for our Lord Jesus and longed for others to share in this amazing love that God has for all men.
So though James was disappointed, and almost ready to retreat in defeat, he turned to prayer and upon praying to our Lord, James was to be the recipient of a vision of our Lady.
During this vision our Lady gave to James a statue, and also a pillar upon receiving this, our Lady requested, that a Church be built on that same spot, this so uplifted James that his heart near burst with love, and it also strengthened him for the mission that lay ahead of him.
James did as our Lady had requested and a Church was built which held the statue and the pillar, with the inscription 'Our lady of the Pillar'.
Upon the completion of the little Church, James the Greater, left Spain and returned to Israel where he was murdered on the orders of Herod, by beheading.
The place where the little Church was built now stands a Cathedral which many pilgrims visit to this day.
We owe so much to these brave Apostles who spread the Gospel near and far which was to cost many their lives, may we try to emulate their courage in this day.
I would encourage all to read more about 'Our Lady of Pillar'.
Peace of Christ to ALL
Copyright © 2005 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.